On 17 July 2021, our most deserving talent was bestowed with the precious responsibilities of leading school with competence, commitment confidence and responsibility. Duties were vouchsafed to inculcate the leadership qualities and to give students a feel of functioning of the administrative body, a new school council for the year 2021-22 was invested. It was a solemn occasion where the young students were all prepared to don the mantle of premiership and discharge the functions entrusted upon them by the school.
The day commenced with the auspicious lighting of the lamp ceremony by our chief guest Sri K I Vara Prasad Reddy garu and guest of honour Sri P.Subba Reddy garu, Sri AshwiniSubbaRaogaru, Sri C V R Prasad garu and Sri Lingam Sudhakar Reddy garufollowed by SaraswatiVandana, which signifies removal of darkness. Vice Principal Ms. Rama Y introduced the honourable chief guests and all the dignitariesto the audience. The rendition of the welcome song expressed ‘Harmony in unity’, guiding seekers on the path of consonance so that intentions can be alike and they could speak in one voice. An enthralling classical dance performance as an invocation regaled the audience members. The school Principal Ms.Srilatha Ch. had congratulated the newly appointed school council members and their preparedness to take up responsibilities entrusted onto them. She also encouraged the students to be committed towards significant issues and always be sentient of the fact that leadership comes with veracity. Saket Reddy P, The Head Girl and Daksha Chandra, The Head Girl along with the cabinet members were imparted with the duty of enhancing young leaders and pledged the oath of commitment, endurance, and empowering of young minds of the school.Chief guests hadcongratulated and conferred the members of Student Council with badges and sashes, also appreciated the efforts of the school by displaying a rich amalgamation of tradition and modernity.
The occasion proved to be an exhilarating moment for all the office bearers who were filled with zeal and zest to take up their duties. Students dressed in resplendent house colours: Agni – Red, Avani– Green, Aapaha – Blue, Aakash – Yellow marching to the beat of the drums, added grandeur to the event.The pride and sense of dedication in their voices was palpable.
The vote of thanks proposed by the Aapaha house captain Krishna Vanshika B lent a befitting end to the occasion. The ceremony concluded with the rendition of the National Anthem.