
Deepa-Jyothi- Param- Jyothihi, Deepa-Jyothi-Janaardhanah |
DeepoHaratu Me Paapam, Deepa-Jyotir-Namosthute ||
ShubhamKarotuKalyaanam, AarogyamSukha-Sampadaha |
Dvesha-Buddhi-Vinaashaaya, Aatma-Jyotir-Namosthute ||
AatmaJyothiPradeepthaya, Brahma Jyothi- Namosthuthe l
Brahma JyothiPradeepthaaya, GururJyothi Namosthuthe ||

Verse 1: Salutations to the light of the lamp. The light of the lamp represents the Supreme Brahman, the light of the lamp represents Janardhana (Sri Vishnu).
2: Let the light of the lamp remove my sins; Salutations to the light of the lamp.

Verse 2: Salutations to the light of the lamp, which brings auspiciousness, health and prosperity; Destroys inimical feelings; Salutations to the light of the lamp.

Verse 3: Salutations to the light of the Lamp, which is none other than the Brahma Jyothi, the light from the Divine that fills and brightens the atman. Guru Jyothi is such a power that enables an atman to get enlightened by connecting it to the Divine.

MatriPranaam 1, 2, 3


We bow the mother goddess

Saraswathi Vandana

YaKundenduTushara Hara Dhavala, YaShubhraVastravrita
YaVeenaVaradandaManditakara, YaShvetaPadmasana |
Sa maamPathuSaraswathi, Bhagavatee, NihsheshaJadyapaham ||

ShuklamBrahmavichara Sara, ParamamAadyaamJagadvyapineem
Haste SphatikamalikamVidadhateemPadmasaneSamsthita
Vande Tam ParameshvareemBhagawateemBuddhipradamSharadam


Paragraph I:Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is pure white like jasmine, with the coolness of Moon, brightness of Snow and shine like the garland of Pearls; and who is covered with pure white garments, whose hands are adorned with veena (a stringed musical instrument) and the boon-giving staff; and who is seated on pure white lotus, who is always adored by lord Brahma, lord Achyuta (Lord Vishnu), lord Shankara and other Devas, O Goddess Saraswati, please protect me and remove my ignorance completely.

Paragraph II: One who is fair in complexion; who is the essence of Brahman, one who pervades the universe, with veena in one hand and the vedas in the other, bestower of fearlessness and remover of ignorance, with a Sphatikrudrakshamala in her hand, seated on a lotus, the source of all intellect, to that MaaSaraswati I bow down.

Saraswathi Stuthi: He Hamsavahini:

He hamsavahinigyanadayinee, ambavimalamati dellambavimalamati dell
Jagashiramourabanaye Bharat, vahbal, vikrama dell
ambavimalamati dell
Sahasasheelahrudaya me bharade, Jeevantyagtapomayakarde
Sayyamasatya, snehakavardeswabhimaanbhar dell  “He hamsavahini” 
Lava KusaDruvaPrahlad bane ham, manavatakatraas hare ham
Seeta, Savitree, Durgamaa, phirghargharbhardell “He hamsavahini”

Saraswati represents intelligence, consciousness, cosmic knowledge, creativity, education, enlightenment, music, the arts, and power. Hindus worship her not only for “secular knowledge”, but for “divine knowledge” essential to achieve moksha (enlightenment)

Brahmanaad – ‘Om’ -The Sound of Brahman to be chanted 3 (o-2, m-1), om (o-1, m-1), om (o-1, m-2)

Meditation – 1min.

Gayathri Mantra:

Om BhurBhuwahSvaha,TatsaViturVarenyam |
 lDhiyoYo Nah Prachodayat ||

Translation of the Mantra

Let us adore the supreme Divine, the God who illuminates all, who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings and direct in our progress toward his holy seat.


RatnakaraDoutapadam Himalaya kireetineem |
BrahmarajarshiRatnadhyamVandeBharatamataram ||

One, whose holy feet are washed by the ocean that is a source of gems (This act of washing feet is considered to be very sacred and performed to persons of great stature like sages or divine men.) and has the great Himalayan mountains as her crown and the has borne gems like rajarshis and brahmarshis in her womb,

I salute that mother, Bharathi.

Vishwa Shanti Mantram (Universal peace mantra)

Om DyauhShantihiAntarikshagamShantihi: PrutviShantihi: |
Aap: Shantihi: Oshadhaya: Shantihi: Vanaspatay: Shantihi:
Vishwe deva Shanti: Brahma Shantihi: SarvagamShantihi:
Shanti revaShantihi: Sama Shanti Rethi Om Shanti: Shanti: Shantihi: ll

Om, may peace expand in the celestial realm and throughout the space. May the peace spread in the entire Earth and pervade the waters. May peace glow in all herbs and vegetation. May there be peace for all the deities and gods. May there be peace in Brahman, the absolute. May there be peace everywhere and always. Peace and nothing but peace. May peace grow within us. Om, Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanti:

Bhojana Mantra

Om brahmarpanambrahmavihee.



Brahma karma samadhinaa ||

Om sahanavavatu,


Sahaveeryamkaravavahai |


Maavidvishavavhai ||

Om ShaantiShaantiShaantihi


The items we use to feed ourselves are Brahman.

The food itself is Brahman. The fire of hunger we feel is Brahman.

We are Brahman and the process of eating and digesting the food is the action of Brahman.

Finally, the result we obtain is Brahman.


Let us protect each other. Let us eat together.

Let us work together. Let us study together to be bright and successful.

Let us not hate each other.
Aum Peace, Peace, Peace